# Adding to an existing install Additional [EmonTx energy monitoring nodes](../emontx3/add.md) can be added to both an emonPi or a emonBase system to: - Expand the number of AC circuits that can be measured.
(Each EmonTx adds +4x CT sensor inputs) - Monitor circuits at different locations in a building - Monitor circuits where an AC socket is not available (using battery power) - Monitor 3-phase power (with 3-phase emonTx firmware, see [EmonTx Technical](../emontx3/add.md)) Data is transmitted to the emonPi or emonBase via low power 433MHz radio as standard, or alternatively using the [ESP8266 WiFi adapter](esp8266.md) via WiFi for applications where the 433 MHz radio range is insufficient. ![emontx](img/emontx.jpg) ## 1. Adding one emonTx to an emonPi system If you have already setup an emonPi following the [emonPi installation guide](../emonpi/install.md). The steps for installing an emonTx are covered in the [emonTx and emonBase installation guide](../emontx3/install.md). The emonPi in this instance works in much the same way as the emonBase. ## 2. Adding more than one emonTx to an emonPi or emonBase system In addition to standard emonTx installation as covered in the [emonTx and emonBase installation guide](../emontx3/install.md): when using 2 or more emonTx units with the same base-station **the node ID on each unit needs to be unique**. See [Configuration](configuration.md) for details on how to change the nodeid.